Norton anthology of world religions

Doniger, Wendy

Norton anthology of world religions By Wendy Doniger. - W.W. Norton &​ Company New York 2015 - xxxii, 712, 30 pages

Machine generated contents note: Ancient Texts, 1500-200 B.C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Humans, Animals, And Gods In The Rig Veda, 1500-1000 B.C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
I Pray to Agni /​ Wendy Doniger
Creation Hymn /​ Wendy Doniger
Aditi and the Birth of the Gods /​ Wendy Doniger
The Hymn of the Primeval Man /​ Wendy Doniger
The Funeral Fire /​ Wendy Doniger
Burial Hymn /​ Wendy Doniger
Varuna Provoked to Anger /​ Wendy Doniger
Agastya and Lopamudra /​ Wendy Doniger
Have Mercy on Us, Rudra /​ Wendy Doniger
The Three Strides of Vishnu /​ Wendy Doniger
Sacrifice In The Brahmanas, 800-500 B.C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Shatapatha Brahmans. /​ Wendy Doniger
Prajapati Creates Fire /​ Wendy Doniger
The Fish Saves Manu from the Flood /​ Wendy Doniger
Killing the Sacrificial Horse /​ Wendy Doniger
Restoring the Horse /​ Wendy Doniger
Jaiminiya Brahman /​ Wendy Doniger
How Men Changed Skins with Animals /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Bhrigu's Journey in the Other World /​ Wendy Doniger
The Gods Make Men Evil /​ Wendy Doniger
Renunciation In The Upanishads, 600-200 B.C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad /​ Wendy Doniger
The Creator Creates Death /​ Wendy Doniger
Creation /​ Wendy Doniger
Dreaming /​ Wendy Doniger
The Origins of the Self /​ Wendy Doniger
Chandogya Upanishad /​ Wendy Doniger
The Self /​ Wendy Doniger
Transmigration /​ Wendy Doniger
Janashruti and Raikva /​ Wendy Doniger
Shvetashvatara Upanishad /​ Wendy Doniger
The Two Birds /​ Wendy Doniger
The Discipline Of Mind And Body In The Yoga-Sutra Of Patanjali, 150 B.C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Quieting the Mind. /​ Wendy Doniger
The Age of Ferment, 300 B.C.E.-400 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Duty And Disaster In The Mahabharata Of Vyasa, 300 B.C.E.-300 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
The Stripping of Draupadi /​ Wendy Doniger
Ekalavya Cuts Off His Thumb /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: The Pandavas Go to Heaven, with a Dog /​ Wendy Doniger
The Churning of the Ocean /​ Wendy Doniger
The End of Female Promiscuity /​ Wendy Doniger
The Karma of Dharma /​ Wendy Doniger
The Dog Who Would Be Lion /​ Wendy Doniger
King Shibi Saves the Dove from the Hawk /​ Wendy Doniger
Daksha's Sacrifice /​ Wendy Doniger
Obligation, Liberation, And Devotion In The Bhagavad Gita, CA. 100 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Arjuna Questions Krishna /​ Wendy Doniger
The Soul Does Not Die /​ Wendy Doniger
The Two Paths /​ Wendy Doniger
The True Nature of Action /​ Wendy Doniger
The Path of Devotion /​ Wendy Doniger
Salvation and Damnation /​ Wendy Doniger
Lost Loves And Tragic Mistakes In The Ramayana Of Valmiki, 200 B.C.E.-200 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
The Birth of Sita and the Bending of the Bow /​ Wendy Doniger
Dasharatha Kills a Boy He Mistakes for an Elephant /​ Wendy Doniger
The Gods Interrupt Shiva and Parvati /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: The Brahmins Explain Everything In The Shastras, 100-600 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
Manu /​ Wendy Doniger
To Eat or Not to Eat Meat /​ Wendy Doniger
The Dependence of Women /​ Wendy Doniger
Retribution in Rebirth /​ Wendy Doniger
Charaka, Hiranyakeshin, and Varahamihira /​ Wendy Doniger
The Etiology of Diseases /​ Wendy Doniger
How to Perform a Funeral /​ Wendy Doniger
How to Read the Stars /​ Wendy Doniger
The Synthesis of Hinduism, 400-1200 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
The Gods-And A Goddess-in The Puranas, 400-1200 C.E. /​ Wendy Doniger
The Puranic World /​ Wendy Doniger
The Fruits of Hearing a Purana: Devaraja the Sinner /​ Wendy Doniger
The Four Ages /​ Wendy Doniger
The Transfer of Karma in Hell /​ Wendy Doniger
Shiva /​ Wendy Doniger
The Origin of Linga Worship /​ Wendy Doniger
How Rudra Destroys the Universe /​ Wendy Doniger
Mankanaka Dances for Shiva /​ Wendy Doniger
Vishnu /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Vishnu as the Buddha /​ Wendy Doniger
Vishnu as Kalki /​ Wendy Doniger
Krishna /​ Wendy Doniger
Krishna Kills the Ogress Putana /​ Wendy Doniger
Krishna's Mother Looks Inside His Mouth /​ Wendy Doniger
Devi, the Goddess /​ Wendy Doniger
The Birth of the Goddess /​ Wendy Doniger
The Death of the Buffalo Demon /​ Wendy Doniger
Shrines and Pilgrimages /​ Wendy Doniger
The Descent of the Ganges /​ Wendy Doniger
The River Yamuna /​ Wendy Doniger
Temple Poems From Tirupati By Annamayya /​ Wendy Doniger
Why Cross the Boundary /​ Wendy Doniger
Seeing Is One Thing /​ Wendy Doniger
I'll Serve You as Best I Can /​ Wendy Doniger
Lord, I Give Up /​ Wendy Doniger
You Think I'm Someone Special /​ Wendy Doniger
It's No Small Thing /​ Wendy Doniger
I Was Better Off Then /​ Wendy Doniger
Poems By Kshetrayya /​ Wendy Doniger
A Courtesan to a Young Customer /​ Wendy Doniger
A Courtesan to Her Lover /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: A Courtesan to Her Friend /​ Wendy Doniger
A Married Woman to Her Lover /​ Wendy Doniger
Falling at Shiva's Feet and Rama's Feet in Malayalam, 1850-1950 /​ Wendy Doniger
Kumaran Asan /​ Wendy Doniger
Feet Like Lotus Powder /​ Wendy Doniger
Sita Lost in Thought /​ Wendy Doniger
Diaspora Interlude: Hinduism In Cambodia, Java, And Bali /​ Wendy Doniger
The Sdok Kak Thom Inscription /​ Wendy Doniger
The Perfect Knowledge /​ Wendy Doniger
The Romance of Arjuna and Ulupi /​ Wendy Doniger
The Emergence of Hindi /​ Wendy Doniger
The Bijak ("Seedling") Of Kabir /​ Wendy Doniger
Saints, I've Seen Both Ways /​ Wendy Doniger
Brother, Where Did Your Two Gods Come From? /​ Wendy Doniger
That Con Man Hari /​ Wendy Doniger
Here's How the World Fights against God /​ Wendy Doniger
The Pandits' Pedantries Are Lies /​ Wendy Doniger
Pandit, Look in Your Heart for Knowledge /​ Wendy Doniger
Think, Pandit, Figure It Out /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Hey Pandits, Who Didn't Die? /​ Wendy Doniger
Pandit, Think Before You Drink /​ Wendy Doniger
She Went with Her Husband /​ Wendy Doniger
Beast-meat and Man-meat /​ Wendy Doniger
It's a Heavy Confusion /​ Wendy Doniger
The Self Forgets Itself /​ Wendy Doniger
Qazi, What Book Are You Lecturing On? /​ Wendy Doniger
Surdas /​ Wendy Doniger
If You Drink the Milk /​ Wendy Doniger
Far Off and Furtive /​ Wendy Doniger
Look, My Friend /​ Wendy Doniger
She's Found Him /​ Wendy Doniger
Radha Is Lost /​ Wendy Doniger
With Love There's Never a Thought /​ Wendy Doniger
Black Storm Clouds /​ Wendy Doniger
Gopal Has Slipped In /​ Wendy Doniger
Thoughts of Him Stalk Me /​ Wendy Doniger
Ever Since Your Name Has Entered /​ Wendy Doniger
Having Seen Hari's Face /​ Wendy Doniger
Madhav, Please, Control That Cow /​ Wendy Doniger
Mirabai /​ Wendy Doniger
I'm Colored with the Color of Dusk /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Life without Hari /​ Wendy Doniger
The Bhil Woman Tasted Them /​ Wendy Doniger
Sister, I Had a Dream /​ Wendy Doniger
Oh, the Yogi /​ Wendy Doniger
Let Us Go to a Realm Beyond Going /​ Wendy Doniger
Tulsi Das /​ Wendy Doniger
The Fire of My Stomach /​ Wendy Doniger
It Is Said in Ancient Writings /​ Wendy Doniger
A Blind, Mean-minded /​ Wendy Doniger
Say Ram, Say Ram, Say Ram /​ Wendy Doniger
The Name of King Ram /​ Wendy Doniger
O Shiva, Great Giver /​ Wendy Doniger
This Darkest of Ages /​ Wendy Doniger
Ramcharitmanas ("The Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama") /​ Wendy Doniger
Sati Takes the Form of Sita /​ Wendy Doniger
The Crow and Anasuya /​ Wendy Doniger
The Mutilation of Shurpanakha /​ Wendy Doniger
The Abduction of Sita /​ Wendy Doniger
Tukaram of Maharashtra Says No! 1608-1649 /​ Wendy Doniger
Gods And Not So Holy Men /​ Wendy Doniger
I Was Only Dreaming /​ Wendy Doniger
Insects in a Fig /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: I Pretend to Laugh /​ Wendy Doniger
When My Father Died /​ Wendy Doniger
I Was Held Captive /​ Wendy Doniger
The Thug Has Arrived /​ Wendy Doniger
God's Own Dog /​ Wendy Doniger
Lord, You Could Become /​ Wendy Doniger
With a Bizarrely Painted Face /​ Wendy Doniger
The Great Mother of the Shakta /​ Wendy Doniger
The Ascetic /​ Wendy Doniger
Once There Was a Celibate Man /​ Wendy Doniger
The Real Reason Why You Created /​ Wendy Doniger
Caste And The Varkaris /​ Wendy Doniger
By Caste and Lineage a Shudra /​ Wendy Doniger
I've Not a Single Fraud /​ Wendy Doniger
Good You Made Me a Kunbi /​ Wendy Doniger
We Are Lucky! We Are Lucky! /​ Wendy Doniger
I Feel Shame When People Honor Me /​ Wendy Doniger
Born of Shudra Family /​ Wendy Doniger
What Will I Gain by Remaining Deferent? /​ Wendy Doniger
Oh Listen Now to Me /​ Wendy Doniger
Critique Of Brahmins /​ Wendy Doniger
He's Not a Brahmin Who Abhors /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: He Sells His Daughter, Cows, and Stories /​ Wendy Doniger
The Cunning Grab for Coins /​ Wendy Doniger
If You Don't Keep the Ashramas /​ Wendy Doniger
Brahmachari Dharma Is Reciting the Vedas /​ Wendy Doniger
Call Him Pandit, He's in Bliss /​ Wendy Doniger
Illusion And Bhakti /​ Wendy Doniger
It Is for This I Wander Wild /​ Wendy Doniger
A God without a Devotee /​ Wendy Doniger
Hari, You Are Cruel and without Qualities /​ Wendy Doniger
I Gave Birth to Myself /​ Wendy Doniger
We've Treated Moksha with Scorn Because /​ Wendy Doniger
Silence in Speech, Life in Death /​ Wendy Doniger
Brahma Is Illusion, Say the Crooks of Religion /​ Wendy Doniger
Accumulating Wealth by a Noble Business /​ Wendy Doniger
Avatar of Buddha, 0 My Invisible One /​ Wendy Doniger
I've Built a House in Boundless Space /​ Wendy Doniger
Love and Anger in Bengal, 1500-1872 /​ Wendy Doniger
Jayadeva /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: The Ten Avatars of Vishnu /​ Wendy Doniger
Vidyapati /​ Wendy Doniger
The Necklace-Snake /​ Wendy Doniger
Counterfeit /​ Wendy Doniger
Let No One Be a Girl /​ Wendy Doniger
My Body Hid My Body /​ Wendy Doniger
As the Mirror to My Hand /​ Wendy Doniger
Children, Wife, Friend /​ Wendy Doniger
Chandidas /​ Wendy Doniger
What God Is That /​ Wendy Doniger
He Was Black /​ Wendy Doniger
It's No Use Telling Me /​ Wendy Doniger
Mastering Sahaja Love /​ Wendy Doniger
My Body Corrodes /​ Wendy Doniger
Beloved, What More Shall I Say? /​ Wendy Doniger
Govinda-Das /​ Wendy Doniger
O Madhava /​ Wendy Doniger
The Marks of Fingernails /​ Wendy Doniger
Balarama-Das /​ Wendy Doniger
A Wicked Woman /​ Wendy Doniger
Chaitanya And Krishnadas Kaviraja /​ Wendy Doniger
An Encounter with the Dual Form /​ Wendy Doniger
Bupa Goswamin /​ Wendy Doniger
The General Characteristics of Devotion /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: The Eightfold Activities of Radha and Krishna /​ Wendy Doniger
Narottama Das /​ Wendy Doniger
Poems to Krishna and Radha /​ Wendy Doniger
Ketaka Das /​ Wendy Doniger
The Birth of Manasa /​ Wendy Doniger
Chando Defies Manasa /​ Wendy Doniger
Chando Comes Home /​ Wendy Doniger
Manasa Relents /​ Wendy Doniger
Ramprasad Sen /​ Wendy Doniger
I Spent My Days in Fun /​ Wendy Doniger
Tell Me, Brother, What Happens after Death? /​ Wendy Doniger
What Did I Do Wrong? /​ Wendy Doniger
How Many Times, Mother /​ Wendy Doniger
You Think Motherhood Is Child's Play? /​ Wendy Doniger
Mind, You Gambled /​ Wendy Doniger
I'm Not Calling You Anymore /​ Wendy Doniger
Why Should I Go to Kashi? /​ Wendy Doniger
Mother, Incomparably Arrayed /​ Wendy Doniger
Fakir Lalon Shah /​ Wendy Doniger
The Bird and the Cage, and the Flower /​ Wendy Doniger
James Bat'tray And W.H. Macnaghten /​ Wendy Doniger
Hindoo Widows, &​C. /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Questions to the Pundits of the Court of Sudder Dewanny Adawlat /​ Wendy Doniger
Rammohun Roy /​ Wendy Doniger
The Practice of Burning Widows Alive /​ Wendy Doniger
Michael Madhusudan Datta /​ Wendy Doniger
The Funeral Rites of Meghanada /​ Wendy Doniger
Swami Vivekananda /​ Wendy Doniger
Speeches to the World's Parliament of Religions, Chicago 1893 /​ Wendy Doniger
Folk, Tribal, and Dalit Hinduism /​ Wendy Doniger
Folk Hinduism /​ Wendy Doniger
Gujarat /​ Wendy Doniger
The Goddess of Mahi River /​ Wendy Doniger
Lord Shiva and the Satwaras /​ Wendy Doniger
The Origin of the Shiva-linga at Bhimnath /​ Wendy Doniger
Nagaland /​ Wendy Doniger
The Girl Who Was Loved by a Tree Spirit /​ Wendy Doniger
Bengal /​ Wendy Doniger
The Birth and Marriage of Shiva /​ Wendy Doniger
The Origin of the Temple at Tarakeshvar /​ Wendy Doniger
The Brahmin Who Swallowed a God /​ Wendy Doniger
If God Is Everywhere /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Nonviolence /​ Wendy Doniger
Walking on Water /​ Wendy Doniger
Andhra Pradesh /​ Wendy Doniger
How Tenali Rama Became a Jester /​ Wendy Doniger
Tenali Rama's Ramayana /​ Wendy Doniger
The Guru and the Idiot /​ Wendy Doniger
Adivasi (Tribal) Hinduism /​ Wendy Doniger
Gonds /​ Wendy Doniger
Mahadeo and Parvati Were Living in the Binjpahar Hills /​ Wendy Doniger
In the Under World /​ Wendy Doniger
An Old Gond and His Wife /​ Wendy Doniger
Formerly the Whole Country Belonged to the Gond /​ Wendy Doniger
A Chamar's Sons /​ Wendy Doniger
Rajnengi Pardhan /​ Wendy Doniger
The Sun and the Moon /​ Wendy Doniger
One Night while Sita and Rama Were Lying Together /​ Wendy Doniger
When Cows Were First Born /​ Wendy Doniger
Before Mahadeo Sent Men to Live /​ Wendy Doniger
Muria /​ Wendy Doniger
When This World Was First Made /​ Wendy Doniger
Long Ago Men Could Read the Future /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Other Tribal Groups /​ Wendy Doniger
Bhagavan Wanted to Piss (Gogia Pardhan) /​ Wendy Doniger
Why Men and Animals No Longer Talk Together (Ahir) /​ Wendy Doniger
There Was No Death (Juang) /​ Wendy Doniger
There Was Once a God Called Amrit (Kol) /​ Wendy Doniger
Dalit Hinduism /​ Wendy Doniger
Dr. Ambedkar's Speech at Mahad /​ Wendy Doniger
Which Language Should I Speak? (Arun Kamble) /​ Wendy Doniger
You Who Have Made the Mistake (Baburao Bagul) /​ Wendy Doniger
The Story of 'My Sanskrit' (Kumud Pawde) /​ Wendy Doniger
Angulimal (Tryambak Sapkale) /​ Wendy Doniger
Eklavya (Tryambak Sapkale) /​ Wendy Doniger
For I Am Brahma (Narayan Surve) /​ Wendy Doniger
Every Woman in This Country (Kamla Bhasin) /​ Wendy Doniger
Rabindranath Tagore /​ Wendy Doniger
Gitanjali /​ Wendy Doniger
Mind Without Fear /​ Wendy Doniger
Fool /​ Wendy Doniger
Leave This /​ Wendy Doniger
Seashore /​ Wendy Doniger
Sail Away /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Maya /​ Wendy Doniger
Song Unsung /​ Wendy Doniger
Lost Time /​ Wendy Doniger
Distant Time /​ Wendy Doniger
Endless Time /​ Wendy Doniger
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi /​ Wendy Doniger
The Gospel of Selfless Action /​ Wendy Doniger
Prem Chand /​ Wendy Doniger
The Shroud /​ Wendy Doniger
Nirala /​ Wendy Doniger
A Look at Death /​ Wendy Doniger
Giving /​ Wendy Doniger
Blood Holi /​ Wendy Doniger
Shurpanakha /​ Wendy Doniger
Mahasveta Devi /​ Wendy Doniger
Dopdi (Draupadi) /​ Wendy Doniger
Anantha Murthy /​ Wendy Doniger
Samskara: A Rite For A Dead Man /​ Wendy Doniger
Anumandla Bhumayya /​ Wendy Doniger
Kausalya In Fury /​ Wendy Doniger
Vilas Sarang /​ Wendy Doniger
Rudra The Untouchable God /​ Wendy Doniger
Salman Rushdie /​ Wendy Doniger
Midnight's Children /​ Wendy Doniger
Purushottam Nagesh Oak /​ Wendy Doniger
The Taj Mahal Is A Hindu Palace /​ Wendy Doniger
Kancha Ilaiah /​ Wendy Doniger
Contents note continued: Hindu Gods And Us /​ Wendy Doniger
A.K. Ramanujan /​ Wendy Doniger
Mythologies 1: Putana /​ Wendy Doniger
Mythologies 2: Nara-Simha /​ Wendy Doniger
Mythologies 3: Mahadeviyakka /​ Wendy Doniger.


Hinduism -- Philosophy. Hinduism -- History. Hinduism -- History -- Sources. Hinduism -- Rituals. Hindu literature. Hinduism. Hindu literature -- History and criticism. Hinduism -- Rituals -- Sources.

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